We made a course to create a third-person game character in Godot. It is based on our Free and Open-Source 3D mannequin.
Early Access
The first part is out in early access with 20 lessons and 2 hours of content.
Get the course now at a lower price: it will increase by $10 with the next update.
The next update will be free for everyone who bought the course. This new chapter will be dedicated to the camera rig, with features to make it smoothly slide against the floor. You will also learn to add an aim mode that the player can toggle in and out of, and more.
What you will learn
In this training series, you will learn to:
- Code an animated 3D game character with a third-person camera view.
- Create a hierarchical finite state machine.
- Use the Animation Tree in Godot.
- Design a polished camera rig relative to which the character will move. (upcoming)
- Write professional code with Godot in GDScript, using best practices.
This series is for intermediate-level users. You need to have some experience with programming and with Godot to make the most out of it.
You can find more information on the course’s page:
See you soon for the next update.
Made by
Nathan Lovato
GDQuest founder. Courteous designer with a taste for Free Software. I promote sharing and collaboration.