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Create a 3D Character Controller in Godot 4


By: Nathan Lovato - October 3, 2024

Code your first 3D third-person character controller in Godot 4, step-by-step, for free!

Download the Godot template

In this tutorial, you will learn to code a 3D, third-person character controller in Godot 4.

This tutorial assumes that you have:

  • Godot foundations
  • Programming foundations
  • Godot 3D basics knowledge

Click the button below to download the Godot project.

This project is for Godot 4.3 and above and comes with everything you need to focus on learning about coding a character controller:

  • A game level
  • Predefined input maps
  • Sophia, our 3D animated mascot
  • In the lesson_reference/ folder, you’ll find code checkpoints for different chapters of the video

Import the project in Godot 4.3 to get started.

If you want to go further and support our open-source work, check out Learn Gamedev From Zero with Godot. It’s a complete curriculum we’re building to learn game development with Godot, starting from zero, available in early access.

Bonus code snippets

You can go a lot further with this character controller. After completing the tutorial, the snippets below will help you improve the character’s feel.

Sharper stop

The character slides a bit when the player releases the movement keys. To make the character stop more abruptly, you can add a stopping speed. When the character’s velocity is below this threshold and the player is not moving, set the velocity to zero:

@export var stopping_speed := 1.0

func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
	# ...
	if is_equal_approx(move_direction.length(), 0.0) and velocity.length() < stopping_speed:
		velocity = Vector3.ZERO
	# ...

Made by

Nathan Lovato

GDQuest founder. Courteous designer with a taste for Free Software. I promote sharing and collaboration.